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Faculty Resources: Library Instruction Sessions and Ask A Librarian

Library Instruction Sessions

Boyd Library offers innovative ways to conduct library instruction for your students.  If you are interested in a session during your class period, we can meet face-to-face or virtually.  Please contact us to schedule a face-to-face session or virtually via Moodle Collaborate.  For more information, please contact one of us directly:


Ask A Librarian

Students and Faculty can receive one-on-one instruction through our new Ask A Librarian feature.  A librarian can schedule for a face-to-face session during a library visit or virtually through a Microsoft Teams appointment.  Scheduling will allow the librarian to direct you to the needed resources for your topic and know when to expect you.  With a Microsoft Teams session, the librarian can e-mail a link to you where you are and meet with you online while sharing screens to the resources you will need.  Please mention this to students needing help and we will reach out to students through our website and student newsletters.  Please contact one of us and we will schedule you for an Ask A Librarian session:

Librarian Contact Information

Carl Danis, Associate Dean of Learning Resources/ Academic Librarian


Tammy Stewart, Dean of Learning Resources/ Academic Librarian