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NC Live, Other Databases and Resources: Finding Books

Guide to helping students accessing library services from off-campus

How to find Books in the Boyd Library

Library Catalog

Searching the Library Catalog

  1. Click the link in the second icon of the Boyd Library home page.
  2. Enter something into the SEARCH box to begin.
  3. Scroll to what you are looking for in the TYPE box. Leave on KEYWORD or select TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT OR SERIES (JOURNAL TITLE is there by default, but not used).
  4. On the next page you will find your search results. Scroll to find the items that interest you.
  5. The record will provide information to let you know if the item is available, who owns it (out of 50 NC Community Colleges), shelving location, and call number to pinpoint it on the shelf.
  6. If you have registered your student ID to use Boyd Library, you can place a hold directly with the barcode on your student ID that begins with 29884. The pin is the last four digits of your phone number.
  7. If you have not registered, please contact the Boyd Library circulation desk at (910) 695-3819 for registration, or send an email to

Instructions for Finding Ebooks

  • Click on the NCLIVE Icon
  • If you are off-campus, a prompt to enter your Sandhills Login will appear
  • It will be the same as your Sandhills Email or Moodle login.
  • You will now be at the NCLIVE search screen for Ebooks
  • Go down to the second (2nd) search box. It will be below the “BROWSE NC LIVE RESOURCES” title
    1. The box should also say “Search NC LIVE E-Books”
  • Type in your search terms and click the “SEARCH” button
  • A screen with a list of titles that match your search will appear
  • You may now have one of two options appear
    1. A screen that says “Welcome to Ebook Central!” and wants you to select your institution. SELECT SANDHILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE and click “Continue” The links to view the ebook should now appear.
    2. The other option should take you directly to the link to read the Ebook.